We haven't posted since receiving our update on Tuesday as it wasn't the best news we anticipated receiving.
We found out in an email update from our agency that there was a document problem when the DIA & DOJ were reveiwing our dossiers to prepare for the G&R to be set. It seems somehow the infamous I-171H that if you all remember I struggled so hard to get updated a little time back was apparently not forwarded to the appropriate facility and it was questioned whether we had a renewal and then it was decided it needed authenticated which we didn'f have time to accomplish. The I600 approval email was forwarded to both entities and it has been agreed upon to accept our renewals (both Michelle & Jeff and ours were in this mix) and proceed with the G&R scheduling. This however is expected to take jumping a few hoops and we were told that the last week in August we should begin to prepare for our travel. So it is looking like our G&R will be early September. It will sure be a nice birthday present for ME!!!!!
The one thing I tell myself is that God has the control in this and He knows better than myself or anyone reading this that I was heartbroken thinking that I would have to be separtated from my girls for weeks. I feel God has prepared this travel to allow me a few weeks to enjoy the rest of the summer with them before they start back to school on August 26th. I apologize to Michelle & Lauren that God chose it this way as this delays you as well but we all 3 have decided we WILL do this TOGETHER and that GOD is going to do this at HIS WILL!!!! I truly believe God has brought the 3 of us together for reasons we will get to see someday soon!!!
This week the girls are at a local Bible Camp and next week they will vacation with their dad then I will get to enjoy them endlessly for 2 weeks efore preparing to climb aboard the wings of victory to fly to our son!!!
Lauren has presented us with a few TERRIFIC opportunities and I THANK her tremendously for that!!!!! She is a doll!!! I can't wait to meet her face to face.
We do plan on traveling to California a few days early to spend some celebration and quality tme with Michelle & Jeff prior to our travel to our kiddos. I am looking extrememly forward to that as I miss Michelle tremendously!!!!! I'm not sure why God brought us together living on opposite sides of the U.S. but none the less I THANK Him for doing it!!!!! Someday, who knows, maybe we'll live closer together. In the meantime it's a great vacation spot!!!!!
So all in all we ask that you continue to pray fo the remaing steps of the wait to process and pass quickly. We really need to see and hold our son!!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
I just read Michelle & Jeff's blog and decided I should probably post our approval story so at least I have it recorded somewhere. Not that we will ever forget but we are trying to post as much as possible for Derek's sake. So here it is:
Knowing that we were going to be 2 weeks post orphanage investigation on Wednesday July 23rd we anticipated our approval to come sometime that week. On Tuesday afternoon as I kept watching my email and all of the blogs that I enjoy each day I made a last ditch effort to find out approval information. I logged onto the Yahoo Travel Group and posted a question asking if anyone out there had ever gotten a mid week approval since all we were seeing was Friday and Monday's. Much to my surprise I received this comment back:
Ours was on Wed. exactly 2 weeks after they had been to our son's orphanage!
PAP-Vietnam I600 approval since 7/2
THANKS TERESA B. You know your stuff!!!!!
You can only imagine the excitement I felt from reading this. I forwarded it to Michelle & Lauren and read it to Norm immediately. I knew that Tuesday night or wee hours Wednesday morning was going to be it.
I watched our email and refreshed it countless times before finally heading off to bed around 11:00 with our laptop under our arm and my cell phone in my hand. We set the laptop up on the dresser and checked it a few more times before giving in to the tiredness from the day. I laid the cell phone next to me at the bed and drifted off to sleep. Michelle, Lauren & I had a pact that whoever got the approval first would call all the rest of us. After praying long and hard I fell asleep restlessly but none the less I slept.
At 3:31 AM my cell phone started playing "Klumsy" and we knew that someone got the much awaited approval news. Anticipating we would all 3 get approved at the same time we were prepared for a huge celebration. I answered the phone excitedly and all I heard at the other end was Michelle screaming something to me about the approval and giggling as hard as she could. Norm flew out of bed to check our email which seemed like it took forever to get the computer awake for. HMMMM.....No approval at our end. I could hear the sinking in Michelle's giggle when I told her we didn't get ours. I proceeded to comfort Norm and told Michelle I would call her if we got ours. Now that we were awake there was no falling asleep anytime quickly anyways. I laid back down in the bed and told Norm it would be here soon that we still had an hour or more to check for it. Michelle was off to call Lauren.
15 minutes went by and I decided to check for the email again. Well guess what.....IT WAS THERE!!!!! Norm sprang out of bed to read the good news with me! His response was "I'm A Daddy"!! Tears of joy filled our eyes as we hugged and rejoiced. We were finally approved to travel for Derek. I called Michelle to tell her and once again the giggling and screaming started!!! She wasn't able to reach Lauren though. I decided I would try as well but she hadn't answered my call either. Strange!!! I left a message to call me though. I debated with myself about calling my mom at that hour of the morning but this was news that needed shared so Norm took to calling his parents and I called my mom. Much excitement was shared!!! We laid back down in bed still exhausted but full of questions and sleep took over and we drifted off again. At a little after 6 my cell began playing that tune again.....it's Lauren!!!! She was so excited and sounded so shocked. She had actually SLEPT through our calls (BAD LAUREN). She broke the chain (we'll get her for that later). None the less we all 3 got them and we will all travel together and adopt these beautiful toddlers together after 2 1/2 years of the struggle to get to this point.
What a glorious morning that was. I have concluded that even though each portion of this wait has been hard this one IS the hardest. Knowing we have the approval to travel and bring Derek home but waiting for the government in Vietnam to issue us a date to be there is tough. We are packed and ready to make our travel arrangements when the call comes through!!!!!
Continue to pray for our wait and for our travel!!!!
I just read Michelle & Jeff's blog and decided I should probably post our approval story so at least I have it recorded somewhere. Not that we will ever forget but we are trying to post as much as possible for Derek's sake. So here it is:
Knowing that we were going to be 2 weeks post orphanage investigation on Wednesday July 23rd we anticipated our approval to come sometime that week. On Tuesday afternoon as I kept watching my email and all of the blogs that I enjoy each day I made a last ditch effort to find out approval information. I logged onto the Yahoo Travel Group and posted a question asking if anyone out there had ever gotten a mid week approval since all we were seeing was Friday and Monday's. Much to my surprise I received this comment back:
Ours was on Wed. exactly 2 weeks after they had been to our son's orphanage!
PAP-Vietnam I600 approval since 7/2
THANKS TERESA B. You know your stuff!!!!!
You can only imagine the excitement I felt from reading this. I forwarded it to Michelle & Lauren and read it to Norm immediately. I knew that Tuesday night or wee hours Wednesday morning was going to be it.
I watched our email and refreshed it countless times before finally heading off to bed around 11:00 with our laptop under our arm and my cell phone in my hand. We set the laptop up on the dresser and checked it a few more times before giving in to the tiredness from the day. I laid the cell phone next to me at the bed and drifted off to sleep. Michelle, Lauren & I had a pact that whoever got the approval first would call all the rest of us. After praying long and hard I fell asleep restlessly but none the less I slept.
At 3:31 AM my cell phone started playing "Klumsy" and we knew that someone got the much awaited approval news. Anticipating we would all 3 get approved at the same time we were prepared for a huge celebration. I answered the phone excitedly and all I heard at the other end was Michelle screaming something to me about the approval and giggling as hard as she could. Norm flew out of bed to check our email which seemed like it took forever to get the computer awake for. HMMMM.....No approval at our end. I could hear the sinking in Michelle's giggle when I told her we didn't get ours. I proceeded to comfort Norm and told Michelle I would call her if we got ours. Now that we were awake there was no falling asleep anytime quickly anyways. I laid back down in the bed and told Norm it would be here soon that we still had an hour or more to check for it. Michelle was off to call Lauren.
15 minutes went by and I decided to check for the email again. Well guess what.....IT WAS THERE!!!!! Norm sprang out of bed to read the good news with me! His response was "I'm A Daddy"!! Tears of joy filled our eyes as we hugged and rejoiced. We were finally approved to travel for Derek. I called Michelle to tell her and once again the giggling and screaming started!!! She wasn't able to reach Lauren though. I decided I would try as well but she hadn't answered my call either. Strange!!! I left a message to call me though. I debated with myself about calling my mom at that hour of the morning but this was news that needed shared so Norm took to calling his parents and I called my mom. Much excitement was shared!!! We laid back down in bed still exhausted but full of questions and sleep took over and we drifted off again. At a little after 6 my cell began playing that tune again.....it's Lauren!!!! She was so excited and sounded so shocked. She had actually SLEPT through our calls (BAD LAUREN). She broke the chain (we'll get her for that later). None the less we all 3 got them and we will all travel together and adopt these beautiful toddlers together after 2 1/2 years of the struggle to get to this point.
What a glorious morning that was. I have concluded that even though each portion of this wait has been hard this one IS the hardest. Knowing we have the approval to travel and bring Derek home but waiting for the government in Vietnam to issue us a date to be there is tough. We are packed and ready to make our travel arrangements when the call comes through!!!!!
Continue to pray for our wait and for our travel!!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Here's How We CELEBRATED Our Approval.....
We bought a huge pack of fireworks for the 4th of July but my brother bought an even bigger one (He always has to be the best) so we went any enjoyed his and took Jessica's suggestion of saving ours for Derek's Homecoming!!!! However tonight we decided that the approval needed some sort of great celebration so here is what we did.....

We bought a huge pack of fireworks for the 4th of July but my brother bought an even bigger one (He always has to be the best) so we went any enjoyed his and took Jessica's suggestion of saving ours for Derek's Homecoming!!!! However tonight we decided that the approval needed some sort of great celebration so here is what we did.....

Post 201.....
WE GOT OUR APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you say DANCE OF JOY????!!!!! (It's a little better than the PEZ Dance Of Joy, for our PEZ friends)
Exactly 2 weeks from our investigation and 57 calendar days total!!!!
OMG......This is AWESOME!!!!!
Looks like my post from yesterday took us sliding onto the front stretch of the track!!!!!!
More to come as we get more dates.......
WE GOT OUR APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you say DANCE OF JOY????!!!!! (It's a little better than the PEZ Dance Of Joy, for our PEZ friends)
Exactly 2 weeks from our investigation and 57 calendar days total!!!!
OMG......This is AWESOME!!!!!
Looks like my post from yesterday took us sliding onto the front stretch of the track!!!!!!
More to come as we get more dates.......
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
As you can see I have changed the title of our blog today. This whole process has felt like I have been behind the wheel of Matt Kenseth's race car. We have been run off the track, slammed into walls, and spun in circles but like Matt we persevere and get back in the seat and buckle up each week to race for the finish line every day. We will continue to find strength in Our Loving Lord to go on each day waiting for our approval to travel.
Just to let everyone who reads this that is unaware of what the next steps are here it is:
1. USCIS issues travel approval
2. Our Vietnam in country associate will request a G&R (Giving & Receiving date or Adoption Day) from the DOJ of Danang.
3. Agency will notify us of G&R and tell us when we have to be in Vietnam.
4. Travel will be arranged by us (Pray about this as I am not a travel expert...however I am counting on Michelle for help)
5. Fly to L.A. for a day or two with Michelle & Jeff
6. Fly to Hong Kong
7. Connect to Hanoi, Vietnam
8. Day 2--Fly to Danang
9. Day 3--G&R Derek will be OURS!!!!!
10. Day 5 (I think)--Fly back to Hanoi for remainder of stay which will include lots of sightseeing and we will have Derek's medical exam for his visa.
11. Once we have his visa we can fly HOME!!!!
12. Begin our journey with Derek as a part of our family!!!!!
EveryDay-----PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
Just to let everyone who reads this that is unaware of what the next steps are here it is:
1. USCIS issues travel approval
2. Our Vietnam in country associate will request a G&R (Giving & Receiving date or Adoption Day) from the DOJ of Danang.
3. Agency will notify us of G&R and tell us when we have to be in Vietnam.
4. Travel will be arranged by us (Pray about this as I am not a travel expert...however I am counting on Michelle for help)
5. Fly to L.A. for a day or two with Michelle & Jeff
6. Fly to Hong Kong
7. Connect to Hanoi, Vietnam
8. Day 2--Fly to Danang
9. Day 3--G&R Derek will be OURS!!!!!
10. Day 5 (I think)--Fly back to Hanoi for remainder of stay which will include lots of sightseeing and we will have Derek's medical exam for his visa.
11. Once we have his visa we can fly HOME!!!!
12. Begin our journey with Derek as a part of our family!!!!!
EveryDay-----PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Will it be TODAY or TOMORROW or NEXT WEEK......
We are praying harder than ever that God allows our approval to come in our inbox tonight between 10 & 11 pm, tomorrow between 3 & 4 am, Sunday between 10 & 11 pm, or Monday between 3 & 4 am. PLEASE SOON!!!!!
I enjoy my sleep at night so I haven't had the urge yet to stay up or sleep with one eye open waiting for "The Email" so I have stationed Lauren & Michelle on ALERT and provided authority to them to call me at whatever hour necessary to give us "The News" we are waiting for. This way they get to bear the good news first and.....I get some sleep. LOL!!!!!
We are praying harder than ever that God allows our approval to come in our inbox tonight between 10 & 11 pm, tomorrow between 3 & 4 am, Sunday between 10 & 11 pm, or Monday between 3 & 4 am. PLEASE SOON!!!!!
I enjoy my sleep at night so I haven't had the urge yet to stay up or sleep with one eye open waiting for "The Email" so I have stationed Lauren & Michelle on ALERT and provided authority to them to call me at whatever hour necessary to give us "The News" we are waiting for. This way they get to bear the good news first and.....I get some sleep. LOL!!!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

OUR VISA'S!!!!!!
I bet I got all of you excited for a minute thinking it was our approval.....SORRY!!! I am thinking that may not come until next week since it looks like most people are saying it took 2 weeks from the time the USCIS visited their orphanage until they actually got the approval email. Today is 1 week so hopefully by the end of next week. Looks like travel will be early to mid August. It's going to be tough as we will probably not be back for the girls' 1st day of school. We were really hoping to get the kids all aquainted together before school started but I think that will be a very slim chance. Hey I'm not going to complain though as I am just glad we will soon be bringing Derek HOME!!!!!!
Keep Praying!!!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I am having a harder than usual to cope with kind of day today. I am very anxious and nervous and my tummy is churning like crazy. I can't explain to you why other than the fact that we know any day now our I600 decision could get here. As I said I think it will be Friday and I am praying that it will be an approval not a NOID. We still have that chance of uncertainty. I guess my uneasiness today is a sense of that uncertainty rearing up its ugly head at me. We have waiting and struggles so long through this process and I just want it to be time to bring Derek home!!!
We have fears to face in the process yet but this weekend we met a wonderful couple who adopted a VERY handsome son last year whom we have followed their blog a long time now. Kim & Matt were more than willing to tell us what to expect and what not to expect. They gave us great pointers but most off all they gave us the HOPE we need that we will finish this adoption by FINALLY bringing Derek home!!! Jonah is so awesome. When Matt got him out of the car I was awe struck. It must be what it will be like when they present Derek to us at the G&R ceremony. WOW!!! THANKS MATT, KIM, & JONAH for the great few hours we spent together. I'm sure there will be many more to come.
I just pray that USCIS will approve Derek's adoption and that we will get that approval ASAP!!! Friday is a long way off...tonight would work for us!!!!!
We have fears to face in the process yet but this weekend we met a wonderful couple who adopted a VERY handsome son last year whom we have followed their blog a long time now. Kim & Matt were more than willing to tell us what to expect and what not to expect. They gave us great pointers but most off all they gave us the HOPE we need that we will finish this adoption by FINALLY bringing Derek home!!! Jonah is so awesome. When Matt got him out of the car I was awe struck. It must be what it will be like when they present Derek to us at the G&R ceremony. WOW!!! THANKS MATT, KIM, & JONAH for the great few hours we spent together. I'm sure there will be many more to come.
I just pray that USCIS will approve Derek's adoption and that we will get that approval ASAP!!! Friday is a long way off...tonight would work for us!!!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
NO NEWS.....
I waited half on the edge of sleep last night for my cell phone to begin playing "Klumsy" by Fergie (my cool ringtone) but it never played. :(
I need to sleep as much as I can and Lauren has been stalking her computer in the wee hours of the morning to catch a glimmer of hope for approval this week so she promised to call me if anything came through so I could keep resting. So where were you Lauren??? LOL!!! No really it's not funny that we didn't get the news we hoped for this morning. I guess we will have to stay strong and hold onto hope that i will come next week. Fortunately they didn't send us a notice saying that they needed to investigate more or needed more documents. This is a good sign!!!!
So we will go into the weekend enjoying time away with the girls even if it is shopping. We also plan to meet up with a family that adopted their son last year from Vietnam. We followed their journey as we anticipated ours to follow quickly after but it just didn't work that way. Now we will get to meet them and Jonah finally!!!!
Stay tuned for updates next week!!!!! Who knows maybe the good news WILL come!!!!
I waited half on the edge of sleep last night for my cell phone to begin playing "Klumsy" by Fergie (my cool ringtone) but it never played. :(
I need to sleep as much as I can and Lauren has been stalking her computer in the wee hours of the morning to catch a glimmer of hope for approval this week so she promised to call me if anything came through so I could keep resting. So where were you Lauren??? LOL!!! No really it's not funny that we didn't get the news we hoped for this morning. I guess we will have to stay strong and hold onto hope that i will come next week. Fortunately they didn't send us a notice saying that they needed to investigate more or needed more documents. This is a good sign!!!!
So we will go into the weekend enjoying time away with the girls even if it is shopping. We also plan to meet up with a family that adopted their son last year from Vietnam. We followed their journey as we anticipated ours to follow quickly after but it just didn't work that way. Now we will get to meet them and Jonah finally!!!!
Stay tuned for updates next week!!!!! Who knows maybe the good news WILL come!!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
POST 190 & 11,000 VIEWS LATER.....
We received an email from our agency today that the USCIS did a surprise visit to the orphanage where Derek & his friends are on Wednesday and they spoke with the caretakers, reveiwed records, and played with the children. We were told it went "WELL"!!! WOOHOO!!!! I anticipate that we will soon get our approval now.
There's great hope for tomorrow!!!!!
We received an email from our agency today that the USCIS did a surprise visit to the orphanage where Derek & his friends are on Wednesday and they spoke with the caretakers, reveiwed records, and played with the children. We were told it went "WELL"!!! WOOHOO!!!! I anticipate that we will soon get our approval now.
There's great hope for tomorrow!!!!!
DAY 45 !!!!!!!
We made it to the average wait time for approval. Still havent gotten it yet but at least we know we are getting closer!!!!
I spent yesterday looking back upon blogs of families who had recent approvals and travel and realized that most approvals came on a Friday or Monday so therefore we are hoping tomorrow is "THE Day". Pray extra hard for us today. Most approvals come through around 4-4:30 am since that is the end of the day for Vietnam officials. It would be a great start to our weekend.
We made it to the average wait time for approval. Still havent gotten it yet but at least we know we are getting closer!!!!
I spent yesterday looking back upon blogs of families who had recent approvals and travel and realized that most approvals came on a Friday or Monday so therefore we are hoping tomorrow is "THE Day". Pray extra hard for us today. Most approvals come through around 4-4:30 am since that is the end of the day for Vietnam officials. It would be a great start to our weekend.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Tonight I will ask that you say this prayer with us....
Dear Lord we pray that your will be done in getting Derek home to us. You have been so good to us and we are so thankful to you for this. We pray for the health and safety of Derek as well as the rest of the children in the orphanage We pray that our approval will come soon and that we will be able to travel to meet our son that you have blessed us so richly with. Thanks You Dear Lord In Heaven. AMEN
Norm has been very optimistic and has made the statement that he felt our approval would come Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Today has passed with silence and tomorrow (Day 44) will forge forward. We will awaken tomorrow morning and as we have done everyday since this adoption started, we will dart to the computer and eagerly pen our email inbox with much anticipation and hope for our approval email to be there. We are edging closer each day. We have read that the average wait time is now at around 45 days, however we aren't sure if it is calendar day or working days. I just read a post of a friend who knew of an approval given to another family at 47 calendar days. This could mean great things for us. We will remain strong in our faith that God will grant us the approval to bring Derek home soon. Our days are ticking by rather quickly (quicker than I imagined they would) and for this we are grateful. We would love to go into this weekend away with the girls with that approval under our belts!!!!
Please continue to pray for us and for Derek as well as the other families and children waiting. Your prayers are certainly helping. Thank You All!!!!!
Dear Lord we pray that your will be done in getting Derek home to us. You have been so good to us and we are so thankful to you for this. We pray for the health and safety of Derek as well as the rest of the children in the orphanage We pray that our approval will come soon and that we will be able to travel to meet our son that you have blessed us so richly with. Thanks You Dear Lord In Heaven. AMEN
Norm has been very optimistic and has made the statement that he felt our approval would come Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Today has passed with silence and tomorrow (Day 44) will forge forward. We will awaken tomorrow morning and as we have done everyday since this adoption started, we will dart to the computer and eagerly pen our email inbox with much anticipation and hope for our approval email to be there. We are edging closer each day. We have read that the average wait time is now at around 45 days, however we aren't sure if it is calendar day or working days. I just read a post of a friend who knew of an approval given to another family at 47 calendar days. This could mean great things for us. We will remain strong in our faith that God will grant us the approval to bring Derek home soon. Our days are ticking by rather quickly (quicker than I imagined they would) and for this we are grateful. We would love to go into this weekend away with the girls with that approval under our belts!!!!
Please continue to pray for us and for Derek as well as the other families and children waiting. Your prayers are certainly helping. Thank You All!!!!!
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Today reaches another milestone in our waiting process. We are officially on Calendar Day 40. We are inching our way closer to bringing Derek home. We will be applying for our visa this week so if anyone out there can give me pointers for applying or knows the current fees I'd love to hear from you.
We will be attending yet another 4th of July Picnic tonight (3rd one for the weekend) and will be seeing alot of friends who will be asking alot of questions considering we thought we would be bringing Derek to this picnic this year. Pray for me to have the strength to face all of the questions and comments and to have the proper answers to respond with. You all know what I mean!!!!
We have scheduled a short weekend getaway with the girls next weekend so we are really looking forward to that. We will be seeing a show "In The Beginning" it is a local theatre that hosts Biblical Shows. They are beautiful. We will then get to do some outlet shopping in Lancaster,PA. Time to start serious school shopping since we will probably travel part of August and the girls will head back to school at the end of the month. We will have to opportunity to spend time with our friends Barb & Alan too while we are there. We are going to have a full 2 days of fun!!!!!
We will be attending yet another 4th of July Picnic tonight (3rd one for the weekend) and will be seeing alot of friends who will be asking alot of questions considering we thought we would be bringing Derek to this picnic this year. Pray for me to have the strength to face all of the questions and comments and to have the proper answers to respond with. You all know what I mean!!!!
We have scheduled a short weekend getaway with the girls next weekend so we are really looking forward to that. We will be seeing a show "In The Beginning" it is a local theatre that hosts Biblical Shows. They are beautiful. We will then get to do some outlet shopping in Lancaster,PA. Time to start serious school shopping since we will probably travel part of August and the girls will head back to school at the end of the month. We will have to opportunity to spend time with our friends Barb & Alan too while we are there. We are going to have a full 2 days of fun!!!!!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
We Have Crossed The Hardest Spot.....
We are now on Day 36 of our I600 approval wait. We feel from watching blogs of other families that as of yesterday (Day 35) the approval could come any day now!!!! We have seen approvals come anywhere between 32 and 46 days recently. Given there are no problems with Derek's dossier and there doesn't need to be any extensive investigations done we should sail smoothly from here. We are going to remain optimistic and faithful through our wait. Every night and every morning I check the email repeatedly just in case the approval works its way here. We are very ready to bring our little man home.
We will be having our Travel Talk on Wednesday evening so I am trying to come up with questions to ask. I am never so good at that when I am on the spot. Therefore I need to try to find time today to start a list.
Norm & I spent the weekend away (probably our last alone weekend for a long time)in Gettysburg for our 5th Anniversary. We got to see a re-enactment on Saturday. Very interesting and amazing what these soldiers must have endured during this war. Wow the years fly by. I will leave you with a few pictures:

We are now on Day 36 of our I600 approval wait. We feel from watching blogs of other families that as of yesterday (Day 35) the approval could come any day now!!!! We have seen approvals come anywhere between 32 and 46 days recently. Given there are no problems with Derek's dossier and there doesn't need to be any extensive investigations done we should sail smoothly from here. We are going to remain optimistic and faithful through our wait. Every night and every morning I check the email repeatedly just in case the approval works its way here. We are very ready to bring our little man home.
We will be having our Travel Talk on Wednesday evening so I am trying to come up with questions to ask. I am never so good at that when I am on the spot. Therefore I need to try to find time today to start a list.
Norm & I spent the weekend away (probably our last alone weekend for a long time)in Gettysburg for our 5th Anniversary. We got to see a re-enactment on Saturday. Very interesting and amazing what these soldiers must have endured during this war. Wow the years fly by. I will leave you with a few pictures:

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