Wednesday, May 16, 2007

GREAT NEWS!!!!... new adoption news.

Today my SIL stopped in and pulled a piece of paper from her hand and oh what excitement. She had her ultrasound pictures. She is 8 weeks pregnant and is due December 22nd. What a Christmas present that will be. We are hoping for a boy for a playmate for Derek and since she has 2 girls a boy in the mix would be nice. As my MIL said...we need to even out the bunch. Right now it is 6 girls and 2 boys, includes Derek. So boys would be good.
Our CM returns to the office tomorrow so hopefully she will have some sort of news for us about the new form that we need to complete. We want to get it rolling so we can just bring Derek home and settle in. It is still looking like a late June to late July travel though.
I am preparing for my yard sale next weekend so I have been cleaning out closets and drawers. It's amazing the things that the girls have accumulated. The money I make will go toward our trip to VN. So I hope to do good!!!!
Keep praying and hopefully soon we will get word about travel. Remember next Thursday is our Travel Talk so I will be curious to see what we get from that.

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