Monday, July 09, 2007


This just we eceived NEW MEASUREMENTS on DEREK!!!! This is exciting. It is always great to get a new update of any kind. Kinda boosts the day a little. Still no travel news but at least we have a brief report on Derek.
Weight 19.8 pounds
Height 27.9 inches
Head Circ. 18.3 inches
Foot Length 4.4 inches
Wrist Circ. 4.1 inches

He appears to be tall and his foot size shows that he is probably going to keep shooting up. Been there and done that with Alyssa. His wrist is very tiny so I believe he is skinny. I think his weight is taken up by his height!!! Well another basketball player in the family!! He'll learn well from the girls.

We will continue to keep you updated.


Kimberly said...

So glad you have an update! It will keep you going for a while. Gives you something to look forward to!!

Jo said...

Wow, that's a big boy.... My little peanut will be 9 months old Sunday and as of today at her Doctors' appointment she is now 13lbs 2oz and 24.5in long......

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Wow! He is a good sized little guy! In response to the question left on my blog, Beckett is about 29 inches and weighs in at 19lbs. 9 month clothing fits him best but we have some 6-9 month items that fit as well. 12 month tops are big but ok, though 12 month pants fall right off. I hope this helps!