We had a fun time this weekend all the way around. Friday we chilled out with the girls after heading out for suppe at Friendly's. We also did a little "Derek shopping" again. Gymboree had a HUGE sale and I can't pass them up. I think we now own about half of the store. I just hope he fits into it all when he FINALLY gets home!
Saturday my girls had plans with their dad so they couldn't tag along for our Saturday night adventure but we were lucky enough to take my monm, brither (Ken) and hi 2 boys (Kyle & Kurtis) along to Balloon Fest. It wasn't such a success though due to the windy conditions only 1 balloon was brave (or crazy) enough to take sail. Look how beautiful though!

Here are my nephews looking as though they have about enough of it for the night. It was rather cold and windy and truthfully till it was all over we all had enough for the night...

Sunday Norm & I headed to Boyd's Bear Bingo for the afternoon. e didn't win a thing but we had a great time smiling across the table at each other. Then we went to a local fair Sunday night and stuffed our bellies FULL!!!!
I was hoping for a little jingle of news today but that didn't happen. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have an update again.
Stay tuned....
Wow the look of joy and excitment on the boy's faces just says it all! Sounds like even though it may not all gone as planned, you had a good weekend!
Hi Teresa,
I just found your blog from a comment you left on someone else's blog (wish I could remember where - I keep clicking and clicking and I get lost along the way!). Anyway, I just wanted to tell you I completley understand your frustration! We rec'd our referral just days before you, and also like you, just rec'd word that it would be at least another 2.5 months until travel. So, so frustrating. You have my sympathy; I wish I weren't seeing so many others in a similar position, but it seems a little too common lately.
Take care!
I would love to follow your blog but I need to be invited...could I please???? Also I would like to know what agency and where you will travel too. Could we possibly be traveling together????
Hi Teresa,
So glad I checked back in! Can you email me? OurValentinesDayTreat@yahoo.com
Re: the blog...I've been dragging my feet getting it going. Give me a few more weeks. All I have thus far is the name and a blank page!!! Please email me, though, as I'd love to chat with you!
Take care,
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