So I wanted to share our update his week with all of you following along on our journey.
The orphanage director is still working with the DOJ to rectify the children dossiers. The DOJ is saying that they should be officially notified by the DIA in order for them to get involved with that process. For this reason, we are moving forward to request the DIA to send parent dossiers to DN DOJ a second time, instead of waiting until the child dossiers being all fixed first. For now, we are still not sure how much time it will take to complete the rest of the child dossier rectification process, but will keep families posted of any new information.
What does it all mean???? Well we are looking at it as a MAJOR step in a great and positive direction. At least it is showing signs of cooperation in fixing the dossier and getting us another step closer to Derek. FINALLY!! We are hoping that each update will be more positive and that each one sheds light on a "Road To Recovery".
We are supposed to get updated pictures this week so we are really looking forward to those. The package we sent for the 5 babies at the orphanage was received there and hopefully the pictures will show Derek with his new "blankie". I do hope he finds comfort in it and that it is something for him to snuggle up to at night until we get there.
The holidays are approaching so quickly and though I have 2 beautiful girls here with me that I need to focus on I can't dismiss the heartache of not having our son home. My heart aches tremendously for him. It has gotten progressively more difficult to deal with the questions and accusations from everyone around us. The only way to stop all of this is to get that travel date and bring him home. In the meantime I am trying to get into the Christmas spirit and actually did force myself to finish shopping and complete the wrapping. I am also focusing on the after Christmas trip Norm & I will be taking as we head to sunny California for a few days. I have started thinking about packing but just haven't gotten started yet (yes Michelle you may be rubbing off on me a little bit. LOL!!!). I am not by any means a procrastinator I just don't know what to pack. I've never gone to California in my life. Oh who am I kidding I have never even flown before. I can't wait to get on that plane and see the beauty of our country from one coast to the other.
Please continue to follow with us as we anxiously await our weekly update and remember to drop me your email address again if you want a sneak peek at Derek's new picture!!!!