Christmas was a bittersweet day for us. We had a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends but we longed to have our sweet son home with us to enjoy. Though it was grand to get such good news about the progress of the paperwork right before Christmas it still didn't make up for the void in our home on Christmas Day. We went to Norm's parents and enjoyed lunch and exchanging gifts for the day. We had out Christmas celebration at our house in Christmas night. The girls loved all of their gifts....especially their "Wii". That is a long story in itself how I finally managed to get my hands onto one of those. They have been really enjoying it though. And for the first time in years they actually loved all of the clothes I bought them. returns! We celebrated Christmas with my mom and brother and nephews on Wednesday. Another night full of great gifts, food, and fun times. My dad has been gone for 2 years now and it is still so hard to face the holidays without him. Our first stop on Christmas was at the cemetary to place a holiday arrangement on his grave and to wish him a Merry Christmas. I miss him so greatly. I have attached a few pictures of the girls on Christmas. Look at the excitement on their faces....
We have been married 5 years and are currently in the process of adopting our baby boy from Vietnam. Teresa has 2 bio daughters Alyssa, 16 & Jessica,12. We are anxious to have the opportunity to adopt Derek together! (Updated 6/2008)
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