I have decided that since it will only be a short time until our I600 is submitted that I will repack (for the 4th time) our bags for Vietnam. I figure if I keep trying sooner or later we will get there. We went over the weekend to do a little shopping with the girls and ended up at Carters buying for Derek too. It is an irresitable addiction of mine!!! There's probably some kind of help group out there for such addictions b ut please don't contact me about it since I kinda like this one!! Anyway we got these outfits to take along for Derek. Hopefully they all fit, it's hard trying to judge sizing for a little guy you haven't met yet. We have an array of sizes accumulated though since my addiction started. Fortunately our new nephew Levi came along and was born the same month as Derek one year later. WOW will he have some awesome hand me downs. Check out these cute clothes...

Well I have to go dig out the suitcases and get started. Hopeully I don't miss anything!!!!
Bless you. Keep the faith. He will be home soon.
Our thoughts are with you.
Richard, Kristi & Lilli
Great idea to pack early. I think shopping for our kids is a wonderful addiction to have. Cute clothes and happy packing.
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