So we have been experiencing some problems with our internet access, hence the delay in blogging. We have very safe and well nourishing flights to get here. We probably ate more on our International flights than we do in a weeks time and we did it all within a 17 hour span. Fly the friendly skies of International travel and you will see.
It is definately TROPICAL here. It is so stinkin' hot and muggy.
Yesterday when we arrived we were greeted by Michelle running out of the lobby. No she wasn't trying to get away from us...she was actually pleased to see us!!! We rested up alot yesterday and the most strenuous thing we did was go out to dinner here at the hotel. We stayed in a quaint little bungalow the first night. Nice place that would have been even better had the geckos stayed away from our doorway. I was not a happy camper upon our return to our room from dinner. Like screaming. crying not happy!!!! I hate critters!!!!!!
Today we rose around 8 and started our day with a delicious breakfast buffet downstairs and then prepared for our afternoon. We went to Marble Mountain today. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! The architecture of that place is unbelievable. This mountain is made of marble and has many carvings all around it. We were in caves that were undescribable. We have tons of pictures which we will try to sort through here and choose the best ones. We tried out the pool after that HOT trek!! Very refreshing. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention we went to the spa with Michelle this morning too. Norm had a massage and I had a head treatment (massage). Not the most relaxing for me but it was nice anyway. I could relax alot more here if there weren't these darn geckos everywhere. Dinner was great tonight in the hotel and we are doing this posting and then off to catch our winks for our BIG day tomorrow!!!!! we will meet Derek tomorrow afternoon at 2. We are so excited to see the kids.
Here are a few pictures for youto gander at until we get some video uploaded.

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