Livin' A Toddler's Life.....
Wow....I forgot all about what a toddler can put you through. This little guy is one active character. He is constantly going and going. Hates naps. Hates bedtime even more. He is so much fun to play with and very funny at times. He is pretty easy going when it comes to hopping into the car and taking off. Just don't sit in traffic any length of time since he soon let's you know how much he hates that. He is starting to say some words for us. He says...Hello, Bye-Bye, Thank You, Tinka (our dog), Momma, Ba (daddy), Kitty, Puppy, Yummy. He is getting a vocab!!!! He has attached tremendously to the girls. They play for hours. Yesterday we went to Jess's basketball game and Alyssa's field hockey game and he had a blast. It is kinda cold here so that is something new for him. Donned with a hoodie and jeans he had cold patties and ears at the game. He likes to clap and cheer when the girls do something good. Pretty cute!!!! He waves bye bye to everyone and loves to blow kisses.
He still screams at the top of his lungs when it is bedtime. Bathtime is fun but I end up quite wet. Last night was the first night he slept in his crib all night long. It felt good not to hold him all night. That makes my arms tired. Usually bedtime is Norm's turn. e does really well with listening to the screaming. Has much more patience than I.
Monday we went to the doctor for his check up and he got a good report. In the 50% range on American charts for his age and size. WOOHOO!!!! He had to get 5 shots which he took quite well. I'm sure when we go back in 4 weeks his memory of the experience will grant us a different reaction. he was very brave though. He didn't really like the doctor checking him out though.
Yesterday we took him to the Bloomsburg Fair to see the animals. He loved the BIG horses and the chickens. He liked the noises they made. Now he makes his arms like wings and says "bok-bok". CUTE!!!!!!
We are having trouble getting the dog to take an interest in him. He likes the dog and will put his hand out and click his tongue to gt her to come to him but Tink just doesn't care for him. We are a little unsure what we will do to break that ice. He wants to get down and run but Tink isn't used to that commotion and desn't like when he does it. She may have to find a new home even though I don't want to see her go. Any suggestions???
Well he is starting to get restless for Jessie so I better intervene and try to entertain him a little. I'll type more when I find time!!!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
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1 comment:
I don't see the word PEZ in that list :(
Don't make me have to drive up there. I know where you live!
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