Last night we dressed Derek in his costume and headed out Trick Or Treating. He wasn't fond of the costume at all until he realized that if he holds out his pumpkin and smiles really sincerely that there will be a pile of "loot" dropped in. He soon learned to like it all. I will try to post some "happy" costume pics later. When you ive in the country T or T'ing last for a whole week. Tomorrow night we are heading to a Halloween Parade locally.

Today we had snow flurries and sleet so Derek got to see the "yucky white stuff" for his first time. He thought it was cool and kept watching out the window and pointing. I am not a cold weather girl so I refrained from teaching him how to catch the flakes on his tongue today. Plenty of winter left for that.
Here's a few pictures to hold you over til the next update.

I should also include in this post that we got Derek's Certificate of US Citizenship and we went to the local court house yesterday to officially change Derek's name and get him a new Birth Certificate. We will apply for his SS # next week so we can apply for insurance.
If you were to stop by here I have some Pez that I could give out. Just watch the dating on some of it :) never know, maybe a little trip away from the tigers cage would be a good idea.
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