Monday, December 29, 2008


It was a late night Christmas Eve and all the creatures seemed to be stirring in the house. Everyone was so full of the Christmas excitement that it took a little extra time to get everyone snuggled under their covers. Once we accomplished that feaat "Santa" & I set out for the gift hideaway. After about 6 trips up and down the steps the gifts were ready to be arranged under the tree and I could finally snuggle into my own bed for a restless night of sleep.
Morning rose and our little alarm clock (Derek) woke us at the same time as every day. 8:00 came way too early that day. We snuggled in bed a little until both the girls were stirring about. We decided to attack our piles of gifts in our jammies this year. Derek was so excited when he seen all the gifts but he still asked to watch Elmo rather than open them. Once we got him started though he just kept rippin' and tearin'. He had a great time. The girls got lots of great things that they liked this year for a change. I cooked Christmas dinner for us and we just had a family day with our Best Gift Of All....Derek!!!! Norm and I spent alot of hours in the day jmust looking at Derek and reflecting on how happy we are to have him in our home and family finally!!!! What a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!!!!!
After a 2 hour nap Derek woke and we headed to Norm's family to have Christmas with them. More gifts to open and food to eat!
On Friday we went about our work days as usual and at supper time we headed to my Mom's to have Christmas with her and my Brother & Nephews. More gifts....more food!!!! We had a wonderful time this holiday having Derek in our lives!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice Christmas. Parker is also an Elmo fan, though I don't think he'd pass up opening presents :)

Mandy said...

Looks like a great Christmas! Derek is getting so big!!