Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Check out these beautiful pictures that Alyssa took on her Art Club field trip.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


Derek looking as cool as ever

Taking the "Caregiver /Survivor Lap" but Derek got tired and requested a lift

Derek's first ice cream cone

Looking Dapper!!!!

Alyssa being less than thrilled to head to the prom 2009

Hey just passing on a great opportunity to all of you readers. Visit Laurie over at
and get in on the DadGear Giveaway she is offering. Not to mention she has a house full of delightful little ones and is alot of fun to blog with. She always has something amusing going on there!!!!

Monday, May 04, 2009

A moment of thrill just came across me as I had a few moments to sit and think through my calendar of upcoming events.....
May 8th---My beautiful daughter will attend her 1st prom!!!!
May 10th--Mother's Day
May 12th--My mom's final chemo appointment!! YAHOO!!!!!!
May 30th--See Matt, Lauren & max & Jeff, Michelle & Linhly!!!!!
July 20th--Spending a week in sunny California with The Harwell's!!!! VERY EXCITED!!!!!