Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I think I can confidently say that.... Derek is potty trained. He even did a poo in the potty today!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Daycare is going quite well. He usually wants to stay when I get there for him. He loves the kids. Even though they were all in their little cots sleeping when we left today he still waved goodbye to each of them. So cute!!!!!

I am campaigning for prayer again for my mom. She got a report to day that her liver enzymes are quite high and that she will need to have a full body cat scan on Monday. We are scheduled to get the results for that on Sept. 8th. We are hopeful that it is a fluke in the lab or that it is caused by her new medication. Please remember her.

Tomorrow Derek, the girls, and I are heading out to Hershey for a day of back to school shopping. I am NOT looking forward to it!

1 comment:

M and M Nichols said...

Hershey! My old stomping grounds...of course, that was before the outlet mall! Glad to hear Derek is potty trained and school is going well! We too are "getting there" -- sometimes I have to stop and remind myself that he is growing up fast and to slow it down...and then I have to fork out big bucks on diapers...I am so torn! :-)