Monday, April 21, 2008

ROLLIN..ROLLIN..Rollin...Keep Those Updates Rollin!!!!

We got word today that our Age Ammended Letter was delivered to the DIA TODAY!!! WOOHOO!!!! So we now wait to get "The Matched Letter" in the mail. Don't anyone tell out mail lady but I will be secretly stalking her every mov for at least the next week. And each day she neglects to deliver the letter the more stalking I will do. I will be peering around corners and curtains every day. Once we receive that letter we will also get Derek's dossier documents expalining his abandonment. This is very crucial to us as we are veru curious of his situation. Right on the heels of that will be the submission of "The I600" for Derek's visa (I know he is a little young but hey...a guy's gotta have some credit) to come to his FOREVER HOME!!!!
Keep praying because as you can see it is sure working for us!!!! Thanks to all!!!!

1 comment:

Ange said...

I will pray that you get the letter very soon! I don't blame you on becoming a stalker.