Thursday, May 01, 2008


It has been confirmed that our age ammended letter has been submitted to the DIA and that on Monday our agency will try to find out whether the Official Referral Match Letter has been sent out to us yet. This will be great if they say yes since it could mean we could receive it with in the next week to week and a half. Also our I-600 and our Commitment Letter was sent to VN on Tuesday so once we get the match letter our I600 can be submitted and then the final wait begins. Our agency is still telling us 30-60 days for USCIS to approve our case. We are going to pray that we will not have any issues that need investigated from the USCIS and we can get approval as quickly as possible.
All the prayers that we are being showered with are being answered!!!
Thank You All and PLEASE Keep PRAYING!!!!! GOD is helping!!!!!

1 comment:

Ange said...

I'll pray that you get good news tomorrow & that the letter is on the way!!! You are so close now.