Monday, May 14, 2007


We found out yesterday that our anticipated date to go bring Derek home has been extended significantly. Now it is being said as late June to late July. I am devastated. Of all day to find out too it was on Mother's Day. We initially upon referral were told to expect to travel late May to mid June at the latest aned this has been reiterated over and over since then until yesterday...BAM!!! Big explosion!!!!
We found out that Ray has received new information and a change of procedure has taken place. Surprise..surprise!!! I am about at the end of my wit's with all of this. We now have yet another form to complete before we can be given a G&R date for Derek's adoption. At this point we have no idea how close we are to getting that form nor how long after filling out the form it will take until they issue a date. Therefore I am not really sure why we have to be in a hurry to have this Travel Talk since we may not go until July. I'll forget what we discussed until then. I guess I should record it for safety sake.
In case you cannot detect it...I am a little bitter about all of this. I just have had enough of this roller coaster and I can't figure out how to stop the ride so I can get off.
I continue to pray but I must be doing that wrong too because it sure isn't being answered.


Kimberly said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! The rollercoaster keeps going until you're home, I'm convinced. But will all be worth it!

Our adoption has been a rollercoaster from the beginning. You start to accept it and expect it.

Hang in there! You'll get Mr. Derek home!!!

stollmyheart said...

GRRR! I hate the unexpected bumps! I'll keep you in my prayers that you get word of travel soone than you expect it! Hang in there!