Saturday, August 09, 2008


So here's the deal. We are going to put all of our trust in God getting us that G&R the beginning of September!!!! Norm & I talked last night and have decided that we will make our travel arrangements. We are planning at this point (barring no unforseen interuptions again) that we will leave the Harrisburg airport on August 28th or 29th. Of course we will continue to PRAY that God will bless us with a G&R for the last week of August which would mean we would need to travel the week of the 18th, right of Michelle & Jeff's heels. So I have COMPLETED the suitcases and will just need to pack all of our electronics into the carry on and we are ready to fly the friendly skies. It will be long but the award at the landing will be tremendous.
We are having our conference call Monday night at 7. Our 797C that we needed to get legalized (which BTW hop onto Michelle & Jeff's blog (linked to the right) and look at the feat they conquered to get that done for us) should be arriving in Hanoi on Tuesday via FedEx and hopefully will be transferred to the hands of the DN DOJ the same week and if all goes well possibly by the end of next week or the beginning of the next we will have our G&R. Now don't get too excited and bank on that happening but have hope with us. FAITH!!!!!
We are very excited to have Michelle & Jeff get to DaNang and go to the orphanage as they will take lots of pictures and video for us of Derek. What an exciting email that will be to receive. Imagine....VIDEO!!!!! We will get to see OUR son walking, talking, playing, running, smiling...WOW I just can't wait!!!!!
We'll post more info once we complete our conference call and have some insight into the remainder of our process!!!!!
KEEP PRAYING....we truly appreciate it!!!!!

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