Monday, August 04, 2008

We NEED Prayers, Support, Encouragement, & Suggestions.....

We received word last night and confirmed email this morning that our agency is filing bankruptcy and will close its doors. We are almost to the finish. We have gotten our I600 approval and are awaiting our G&R date. However our agency will not be handling this for us. Our PM/CM was "left go" from the agency last Thursday and is continuing to try to get our case (along with Michelle & Jeff's and Lauren & Matt's) taken over by a new agency. We are unsure of what the outcome of this will be. We may face further paperwork, financial stress, and waiting time. I will not place a price on my son however and I intend to complete this adoption. We have contacted several entities in hopes of some insight about our best approach to this matter. At this point the most important thing is to "Bring Home Our Children".

Can you help us?????


Mandy said...

Wow, I don't even know what to say. After everything you have gone through now this?! I'm surprised to hear the agency has closed down. They are such a big agency and have been around for a long time!! I'm shocked to hear it. I know when we used them, we had heard a lot of negative reviews about them after we signed up, but by then we had already paid our fees and stuck with them. We lucked out and our adoption of our son went fairly smoothly.

I should have seen it coming as last month we got a letter from them asking for donations and talking about their accrediation issues. We had never recieved any letters like that before. (we didn't send any money). I've been following your journey for a long time on the message boards, way back in the days when Ray used to actually post on the boards. At that time the program looked good to me, and we almost signed on up for our second adoption. We were waiting to see the first babies come on home, and I can't believe you are all still waiting on that. :(

I am praying that you all bring home your children soon! My heart breaks for you guys!! I can't even imagine how difficult this has to be!! Please know people are praying for you, and hoping this big ugly mess can all be sorted out quickly and you get your little boy home SOON!!!!!

Teresa B. said...

I am so very sorry & please know that I am praying for you & will not stop until Derek is home where he belongs.
Please email me if you need to talk.