Tuesday, February 27, 2007

For every posting of bad news comes one of good news!!! Here is an excerpt from a posting that our irector made on the forum for us today:
I do have something everyone is looking forward to knowing anxiously... we are expecting to receive referral information as soon as next week. Exciting isn't it? As I mentioned previously on this post, we are not to discuss any referral information openly. So for those few families in an advance position on the waiting list, please expect to receive an update from your case manager directly in the coming weeks. For those who are not in early positions on the list, I still want you to know that things are moving and progressing smoothly. Your turn will be soon! Similarly, for those families who want to adopt two kids, you may be waiting a bit longer than those families who are just adopting one child, but that is not a major barrier at all. We are working diligently in linking up with more orphanages and your wish will be fulfilled within a reasonable time frame. Anyway, I wish all of you have a happy adoption journey and bring home your precious little one soon. I want to assure you that your case managers, myself, and everyone at C*********** shares the same vision and mission - to bring as many orphans as possible to their forever nurturing homes here and be taken care of and loved by parents just like you. Take care everyone! Ray
I do believe that we are considered an early position family since we are #5 on the list. I hope to hear from my case manager tomorrow that she may have spoken with the agency director today and got some insight into this.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Sending prayers that you see your girl VERY soon!!