Thursday, July 31, 2008

We haven't posted since receiving our update on Tuesday as it wasn't the best news we anticipated receiving.
We found out in an email update from our agency that there was a document problem when the DIA & DOJ were reveiwing our dossiers to prepare for the G&R to be set. It seems somehow the infamous I-171H that if you all remember I struggled so hard to get updated a little time back was apparently not forwarded to the appropriate facility and it was questioned whether we had a renewal and then it was decided it needed authenticated which we didn'f have time to accomplish. The I600 approval email was forwarded to both entities and it has been agreed upon to accept our renewals (both Michelle & Jeff and ours were in this mix) and proceed with the G&R scheduling. This however is expected to take jumping a few hoops and we were told that the last week in August we should begin to prepare for our travel. So it is looking like our G&R will be early September. It will sure be a nice birthday present for ME!!!!!
The one thing I tell myself is that God has the control in this and He knows better than myself or anyone reading this that I was heartbroken thinking that I would have to be separtated from my girls for weeks. I feel God has prepared this travel to allow me a few weeks to enjoy the rest of the summer with them before they start back to school on August 26th. I apologize to Michelle & Lauren that God chose it this way as this delays you as well but we all 3 have decided we WILL do this TOGETHER and that GOD is going to do this at HIS WILL!!!! I truly believe God has brought the 3 of us together for reasons we will get to see someday soon!!!
This week the girls are at a local Bible Camp and next week they will vacation with their dad then I will get to enjoy them endlessly for 2 weeks efore preparing to climb aboard the wings of victory to fly to our son!!!
Lauren has presented us with a few TERRIFIC opportunities and I THANK her tremendously for that!!!!! She is a doll!!! I can't wait to meet her face to face.
We do plan on traveling to California a few days early to spend some celebration and quality tme with Michelle & Jeff prior to our travel to our kiddos. I am looking extrememly forward to that as I miss Michelle tremendously!!!!! I'm not sure why God brought us together living on opposite sides of the U.S. but none the less I THANK Him for doing it!!!!! Someday, who knows, maybe we'll live closer together. In the meantime it's a great vacation spot!!!!!
So all in all we ask that you continue to pray fo the remaing steps of the wait to process and pass quickly. We really need to see and hold our son!!!!!

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