Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Yesterday, after much nagging by Norm, I bought a webcam. Now for those of you who know me...I am computer illiterate. But...I did manage to buy this, bring it home, hook it up, and with a little encouragement from Jeff, got it working last night. You see, Michelle and I talk like all the time anymore and well her cell minutes went over and oops...trouble!!! So she said before she had a webcam and she would be using it to stay in contact back home once we travel so Norm decided that it was what we needed so I can talk to Michelle FREE whenever we want to. It was so awesome to actually see her as we spoke last night. What a great connection!!! I bought a double pack camera so that the girls have one for their use here when we go to VN and that way we can stay in touch cheap and they get to see Derek and it will hopefully be a little bit of an easier transition for Jessica. Hopefully they can get theirs hooked up and working!
Today we got the same old news about the mysterious form. Nobody knows anything about it at our agency. AARRRGGGHHH!!! I want to go get Derek NOW!!!


Ange said...

I hope you get your travel news soon!

Editor said...

Yeah for webcams and great husbands!!